Welcome to Poplar Estates Senior Living in Columbia

"There is nothing more rewarding than seeing residents being blessed in a community that we developed" - GoodWorks Owners Ricki and Gary Keckley

Where Our Hearts & Our Doors Are Always Open

Relax and enjoy the simpler things in life.

Through compassionate care, comprehensive services, and a keen focus on health and well-being, we help our residents enjoy the life they want with freedom and support. 

We’re ready to welcome you home.

“For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works which God prepared in advance us to do.”

– Ephasians 2:10

Peek Inside

We’re a community built on compassion, love, and understanding.

Enjoy engaging events, discover new passions and hobbies, and connect with friends new and old. Start living life with ease and comfort today.

Comprehensive Assisted Living

Assisted living provides comprehensive support for life’s little moments, providing freedom and ease when it matters most.

From personalized suites all the way to monthly events, assisted living can provide the life you or your loved one is looking for.

Why Choose Poplar Estates?

Explore your interests with monthly events and activities. When you join Poplar Estates, there is always something to look forward to!


Enjoy comfort and ease with the help of our personalizable suites, complete with a range of convenient amenities tailored to suit your needs.

Gallery & Floorplans

Our approach is from a place of dedication, faith, compassion, and understanding. We’re here to support the life you want to live!

Our Community

Our Gallery

Get in Touch with Us Today

“God will give you grace to live one step at a time.”

Jennifer Diehl

Executive Director

Our Address

  • 1310 Rosewood Drive
  • Columbia, TN 38401

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